Friday, December 18, 2009

Why do we have to buy oil from the muslim world why cant we find alternatives?

Because environmentalists block us from drilling in our own ample oil reserves. Also, as far as oil alternatives, we're working hard on them, but the science is hard, even if it is coming along, the the cost of research and development is high right now. Middle East oil sources are, unfortunately, sort of the only show in town.Why do we have to buy oil from the muslim world why cant we find alternatives?
The us buys almost NO oil from the Middle East. The US imports almost all its oil from:

1. Canada

2. Mexico

3. Venezuela

4. NigeriaWhy do we have to buy oil from the muslim world why cant we find alternatives?
There is lots of oil under Alaska, but to get to it, we would ahve to tear up the Alaskw wilderness and destroy it, so we don't.
The oil companies want to milk this oil thing for all its worth. Ka-ching!

I think they accomplished what they set out to do so I don't see why they should continue whit this especially if they want to collapse the US economy to install martial law

Of course the dollar will fail and collapse if Iran is left alone but I'm thinking its doomed anyway and don't even think they have that as a priority

At least not with this buffoons as president
The important thing to understand here is that even if the US drilled exclusively in the US, there is only enough oil to keeps us for a few years at most. And you must remember, before going off on OPEC, that most of the whole situation in the Middle East is due to the West, who wanted (surprise surprise) oil.

The answer is finding alternatives to oil. However, when the current political administration is so deeply tied to the oil industry and the electric companies, why would they want to find alternatives?
The reason we buy from them is because it keeps, oil and gas prices down.

If we were to drill oil from our own lands gas prices would go up to 12 dollars a gallon because of American workers wanting good wages. Also someone said we only have enough for a few years, please we have enough for about 300 years, I think even more. But I seriously hope that we do not drill our own oil, and that an alternative becomes a reality. All our surface ships consume a lot oil and I personally would prefer that our oil assets be wasted on our military assets.

I ask you this, why waste our own oil when it would cost more as well. When we can buy it for cheap?

because Liberals block us from drilling on our own land
The USA uses 60% of the worlds oil, compared to Europe, which has a higher GDP and population as the USA (Yes, we are not anymore the top dog).

It would be very easy and would cost much less then the wars and add lots of high paying jobs, if we would improve our infrastructure and use cars with double the mileage per gallon, like Europe.

If we would do that, there would be so much oil left, Opec wouldn't no what to do with it and we could get totally independant.

(Alaska oil wouldn't even make a dent into our current thirst)
From what I have been told it is beacause there is no way to contract to a country to get their oil ONLY...

That it is an open market and that ALL the world's oil is considered one big pool of oil so it doesn't matter if it comes from Russia or the Gulf of Mexico or the Middle East... It will all sell for the same price and come from the big pool... Not a specific country...

This makes no sense to me but I can't find any hard facts to tell me that it is any other way...

We could solve this problem if we:

1. Started drilling for the oil on American Soil... I'm sorry but I could give a damn about the Carabo up in Alaska... Studies have proven that they LIKE the pipeline because they use it to keep warm in winter... So ALL the claims of the Whack-Job Environmentalist are lies. Flat out lies.

2. Approach Russia or Venuezla or another ';Friendly'; country and say ';OK, we got a propasition for you... You sell us your oil for less then current market price, but we will buy all the oil you can pump out...';

THEN we would be cutting off the one and only export from the fanatic, retarded middle east...

Russia is currently building one of the largest oil platforms ever right above china... There was a Discovery Chan doc on it... They have more oil then the Middle East according to this doc.

It seems pretty easy to just take our business elsewhere...
because thats the federal reseerve banks fault, if you dont believe me search for zeitgeist part 3(use GOOGLE VIDEO)

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