Friday, December 18, 2009

Do we buy oil from countries that have lower environmental standards than we do?

Should congress require everyone to meet US standards for exploration and drilling? If we are one of the largest users, don't we have the power to do this as long as we are willing to pay for it?Do we buy oil from countries that have lower environmental standards than we do?
No, the US doesn't have the economic bargaining power to impose US standards on the rest of the world.

Right now cars and oil based industry are expanding at exponential rates in India and China. Having to split the worlds oil 3 ways instead of just the US consuming it has caused the price to triple in the last 5 yrs.

India and China will continue to expand and require more oil. If trends continue, in a very few years they will need the oil the US consumes currently.

That means the Oil Producing Countries can tell the US to go pound sand if we don't do as they want. OPEC is already considering requiring payment in Euros instead of dollars. If they switch to Euros, the price of gas will jump 57% over night. ( E1.00 = $1.57 ).

Concerned people should be worrying about what will happen when the cars, buses, trains, light bulbs, home heat, house hold water and factories stop running because of no oil for power. The US needs a viable energy plan for the future NOW!Do we buy oil from countries that have lower environmental standards than we do?
I'm not sure if other countries have lower standards when it comes to exploration and drilling, but even if they did we do not have the power to do anything about it. First, there is plenty of demand elswhere in the world for oil, so if we refuse to buy it someone else will. That's one of the reasons prices have stayed so high for so long. Second, the US is not prepared to stop importing fuel from unfriendly countries. You think $4 a gallon is a lot. If we do that it'll be more like $10 a gallon. If congress wants to ease pressure on oil prices they should open up the rest of the US for exploration and production. Alternative fuels will play a part, but even over the next 30 years it will be a very small part. Also, I believe that many of the alternative technologies that are being pushed are crackpot ideas to begin with.
Most countries have lower environmental standards than we do. If you are going to impose those standards on oil, you have to do it for all imports, and then we won't be able to import anything.

We buy most of our oil from Canada. Canada's environmental standards are lower than the US. Where do you start?

This is one reason US manufactures are at a disadvantage world wide. We lose blue collar jobs to other countries because we set the bar so high for our own companies.
Canada has one of the highest standards for the environment. Don't buy in to that crap that we don't. We take our landscape very seriously.

Most American oil companies are upset with us because we won't give their companies unrestricted access to our oil, so they fill their people with nonsense that our methods are substandard.

And to answer your question, other than the 2nd and 3rd world countries (which have stopped most of their shipments to the US) America has the lowest standards for drilling and refining oil.
every other country has lower environmental standards than the U.S.

its the liberal nut cases who say that the U.S. is the only ones who should pay for and,clean up the mess made by those other countries. liberals are wack jobs
Why do oil producing nations sell oil to a country that allows Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House of Representatives? Have they no standards?
No. We need dat oil. Screw them evironmental standards.
Yes, we do. I doubt you can find any oil exporting country that has stricter standards than the US.
Do you even know what the kyoto agreement is?

we're the ones with the lowest standards globally.
A lot of our imported oil comes from Canada. Their environmental standards are relatively high.
Congress will eventually demand that......we are all doomed
Try telling OPEC that. They will fall on the floor laughing and then raise the price of a barrel of crude by $5.00.
  • good makeup
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